Modern Fairytale: Three Billy Goats Gruff

HAPPY 11-11-11!

The assignment was to draw an interpretation of a fairytale, but in modern times, using a monochromatic palette.

I chose to do the "Three Billy Goats Gruff" story. In this depiction the three billy goats are a 3-person scavenger team traveling a bridge connected to a ruined machine city. The troll is an ancient, rusting malfunctioning large sentry robot. #1 and #2 are non-combat units and are able to cross the bridge safely even when the robot's intruder alarm is triggered, but the heavy weaponry #3 carries moves the robot bridge "troll" to attack. #3 makes quick work of it.

Gouache over pen and ink.
  • The gun took up the most amount of time to think about and get on paper.
  • The robot is the same one in my first crow quill drawing Bots Dots Zits
  • I didn't know that when you try to paint gouache over gouache, it runs and smears the gouache under it. Oops.


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