My first automobile project part 2

I started thinking about a specific usage for this bus and decided that the number one thing was to make it look really sturdy and reinforced. I wanted it to be able to be used for unpaved mountain passes, which are often at high risk of falling right off the mountains. The place I had in mind was the Yungas Death Road in Bolivia, which kills hundreds of people a year. I thought to try to design something that would have some kind of chance of surviving a rollover (but actually, in the case of hundred+ foot drops, probably kind of unrealistic)

With this in mind I started going for a more geometric chunky look. I started by thinking of where to put the metal reinforcing bands and trying to keep it all somewhat triangular.

It was getting really confusing to me to to do it all in 2d, so I finally tried to do it in perspective. Turning the car really helped me to think of it as a volume. I wanted to do more for this sketch to add more details in the margins but ended up running out of time. Here is a "faceted" looking vehicle design. I decided to keep the windows as open as possible for sightseeing usage.


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