Product - Desk Lamp Heater

Happy New Year!
Hope the Year of the Dragon brings us all some good luck!
This is part of a personal space heater project. I chose to make a product that would be useful to office workers who want to control the coldness/hotness of their own personal cubicle spaces without taking up a lot of space.
This came out of a personal problem - there was a time that I worked a lot after hours in an office, past the time when the main building would turn off their AC or their heaters. It added insult to injury that I was freezing in the building on my own five hours after everyone else had already left. On the flip side, there were also months in the summer when the main buildings were supercooled during the day down to a temperature well below my own comfort zone. It would be noontime during the summer in California when the ambient temp was like 80 degrees, and I was uncomfortably cold even in my wool sweater. Although I did actually have one of those small space heaters, I had to dig it out of my file cabinet whenever I needed it, and then clamber around underneath my desk so that it could then take up that extra slot in my office-issued power strip. During those times, I really wished I had a product like this that was just already unobtrusively there when I needed it.
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